Saturday, December 22, 2007
Nate's early Christmas
Since we're heading down to where there will be a two year old, we decided to go ahead and open the gifts that came from my sister and mother. Enjoy.
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Nathan Two Months Pics
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 9:25 AM 1 comments
Labels: Nathan
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Robot Baby
Our taekwondo leadership students were taking their CPR certification class over the weekend, and we got to playing around a little bit with the baby CPR doll. I think the doll is bigger.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Nathan is Two Months Old!!
Can't believe it's been two months since that eventful Tuesday morning when Nate decided to make his entrance. We've been learning all kinds of new tricks like holding our head up, cooing, laughing, smiling, and putting things in his mouth (yikes). It's amazing to see how he picks up on new things. He's trying very hard, but hasn't learned to roll over yet.
Tomorrow, we get to have that fun two month doctor visit, complete with.... SHOTS! Yippee. I'm sure he'll love that.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Baby animals on a farm
Baby Nate discovered today that when he kicks, the baby farm kicker makes the music. Now he's non stop. We've been at it over an hour now and no signs of getting bored. Thanks to him, now I can't get "Baby Animals on the Farm" out of my head. Great... :)
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Little Santa Meets Big Santa
Friday, Melissa's band went to play at a Christmas music festival at one of the local banks. It's a tradition there to have music acts come in and do Christmas music all day long and have Santa there for the kids. So we got Nathan all dressed up in his little Santa outfit and carried him off for his first meeting with Santa. Of course, the outfit was so cozy warm and it was about 70 degrees, so he was comfortably zonked out most of the day. Even while the band was playing, no motion came from him at all. Anyway, we finally got him awake enough to get these pictures out of him.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Trying to take a Christmas Picture
We wanted to get a family picture in our Christmas outfits after church this morning. Sounds easy right? Try doing that with a seven week old! So, we present to you, the out takes. The first two pictures will be on the Christmas cards we're sending out. The rest, well, you'll see why they didn't make it.
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Smile video
We've been trying for a week to get Nathan to smile on video, but every time we do, he gets camera shy and starts to fuss. I have ten digital videos of him crying, so when we finally got a smile, we had to share. Sorry there's only one smile on the video, and it's right at the beginning.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Daddy's mid-term
Tonight we packed up Nathan and took him to Allen for my mid-term at Master Sustaire's Black Belt Extravaganza testing. Everyone at his school had been dying to see Nathan, so we dressed him up in a shirt that read. "Warning Martial Artist in Training." Since it was cold, however, we couldn't put him the shorts that say "I fight dirty."
Anyway, I did a pretty good job on the midterm. Of course, this was just the first midterm since I just got my second degree in September.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Smiley Baby
Five weeks old. Wow. It's amazing that no matter how many people told us that things were going to be different from now on, we had no idea. One of the things we had no idea of was what kind of a personality our Nathan was going to get. Well, in his first three weeks or so, he was just boring, doing nothing more than eat and sleep. Now we've gotten a glimpse of some of the most heart-melting open mouth smiles we've ever seen. He already beginning to coo, although we have no idea who he is talking to half of the time. So now, we share some pictures! Everyone's favorite part. :)
BubbleShare: Share photos - Delicious Christmas Recipes.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Friday, November 23, 2007
For those voting, take 2
Thanks to my mom for sending me some pictures of me as a little baby to make this more interesting and even more debate around our house. Now we have no idea. Daron at 9 days old.
Melissa at six days old...
Nathan lask week...
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Sunday, November 18, 2007
First Sunday at Church
Last Sunday, we got Nathan all dressed up and took him to church for the first time. He made a new friend in the nursery worker and everyone kept sneaking in to see him before the service.
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Just some photos
Just a collection of photos from the past week or so.
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Thursday, November 8, 2007
For all those voting....
For those who are thinking Nathan looks like his Daddy...Melissa at six days old...
Nathan lask week... look at the chin. We're thinking Melissa with Daron's ears and eyes.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
R.I.P. Pokey 2002-2007
Today, our family got a little bit smaller and much emptier. Melissa's beloved pet hedgehog, Pokey, passed away today. She was 5... we think. We picked her up as a rescue from a family that decided they didn't want her after all, and who didn't know the first thing about hedgehogs. After some hard times, Meli got Pokey down to the correct size, eating better, and drinking out of a water tube. She was a great little pet and Meli loved her very much. We will miss her.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hedgehog
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Who cares if it's just gas.
I don't care whether or not this is "just gas" or is actually an attempt to show happiness, it's just darn cute! Although I did have to hold the button on the camera halfway down for over a minute to catch this.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Saturday, November 3, 2007
An interesting collection of faces
Last night Nathan was beginning to show a little bit of personality with some very interesting faces. Sometimes he would smile, then pout, then cry, then smile again, then just look serious, then cry... all in about 10 seconds. We tried to get some pictures of the better faces but it didn't work quite as well as we wanted. Oh well, enjoy the cute faces anyway.
BubbleShare: Share photos - Here comes Halloween!
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Baby's First Boo
This is Halloween and it's Nathan's first Halloween ever! Although he was too little to even come close to having a clue what was going on, his parents sure enjoyed playing a little bit of dress-up with him. We already had him in his little lion costume for the pictures done Monday, but now, it's time to wear it.
While I was at Trunk or Treat for my church, Melissa was hosting people over who wanted to see our little cub. We had a steady stream of people come and awe all over Nathan. We hoped his outfit would be cute, and it did not disappoint.
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Picture Day.
So Monday we loaded Nathan up into the car and headed to the photographer for his baby pictures. The lady did such a great job getting him to open his eyes and look toward the camera. We can't wait to show off the pics. Until then, here are some pictures we took that day.
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Just a few pics
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 12:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Love from the niece
Just have to repost this story from my sister's family blog.
Riley's taking this big cousin thing a little too far.
She actually insisted on calling Uncle KK and Aunt Melissa last night to check on Nathan and make sure he was okay, because:
"Uncle KK and Aunt Melissa may not know what to do. They've never had a baby before."
and after seeing this picture of Nathan going home
"Mommy, do KK and Melissa not have any money"
"Well, I'm sure they do, Riley, why?"
"Because Nathan doesn't have any clothes that fit him"
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Fun with doll clothes
It's fun when you can undress a stuffed animal, put it on your kid, and it fits. Sort of. Melissa decided to have a little fun with a do-it-yourself stuffed giraffe we made a while ago, and put its uniform on Nathan. Beyond cute. It just barely didn't fit. Today, she got her staples taken out at the OB's office and he got a chance to see the young boy he brought into our lives. You'll see the pic last in the set.
Her mom is now here staying with Nathan to give us some support during this long week. We have lots of things going on, so it's good to have her.
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Lessons learned.
Well, the lack of sleep has started to kick in. This morning, I spent 45 minutes with a fussy baby thinking it's not time for a bottle. I tried everything I could think of for why this kid is not calming down. Not screaming, just fussy. I tried the swing. I tried the bouncy seat. I tried dancing. I tried singing. We were the best baby burrito we could be (swaddling). Nothing. Then it hit. Check the diaper again. Sure enough...wet. Guess these are the things you learn by just doing figuring out for yourself. Tonight, we have a new rule. When you get up, check the diaper first. And cover the front with the new diaper when the old one comes off. That thing is a loaded weapon of pee.
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: Nathan
First Day at home
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Friday, October 19, 2007
Nathan's Home!!!
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 9:51 AM 1 comments
Labels: Nathan
Nathan's last day at the hospital
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
We're Home!!!
Thanks to a wonderfully understanding pair of doctors we are home! Nathan is off the IV and his blood count is perfect. We have to go back to the doc today (Friday) which we'll take over four hour blood pressure counts and hospital rollaway beds. No pictures right now because we're all real tired, but I've some great ones to come, especially of the going home outfit.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 1:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Nathan Day 2
It’s hard to believe that it’s been a whole day since Nathan came to us. In one way, it feels like it’s been a really long time of visitors, diapers, bottle, you name it. In another way, it’s only been a day since we felt pushing, kicking, and punching from inside of Melissa.
Last night, the docs did the 12-hour heel stick test and didn’t like what they saw in his white cell count. Nothing really major, but they did put him on an IV antibiotic just in case. The little guy took it like a champion. Hardly even a cry during the needle. Nothing like his parents at all. I think I was the more nervous of the two of us.
Melissa is already up and walking around. Her IV is out and they’re talking about sending her home as early as tomorrow. She’s hurting a bit, but handling it very well.
As I write this, he’s in the nursery sleeping like a rock. We’ve actually had to wake him up for all of his feedings so far. I so hope this keeps up! Maybe we can get him through the night quick? Yeah right.
He’s a curious little guy when he’s awake. He’s always looking around and trying to lock in on things or faces. Some visitors came yesterday, and he was wide-eyed for all of them. One of the big things that surprise us is that startle reflex. He’ll be sleeping soundly and then all of the sudden all his little limbs go flying into the air. Then zonk. Out again.
The docs (both Mel’s and Nathan’s) have checked in on them and both think that we will be going home on Friday morning.
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 8:33 PM 2 comments
Labels: Nathan
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Welcome to the World!!!!
Wow. What a day. So we get awakened at 5:00 am on the nose with a monster contraction. Melissa thinks that her water has broken but wasn't sure. So we called in and the hospital said to come in.
So we get there at 5:30. The nurse checked her out for a while and then said that they were moving her into a room. However, she wasn't sure she was feeling a head.
7:00 am. - Doc comes in, does the ultrasound, and sure enough, Nathan is trying to come out bottom first. He decides to go in for the c-section.
8:00 - Mel is on the table
8:31 Nathan Westley Bilyeu is born.
He's doing wonderfully. 8 lbs. 4 oz. 19 1/2 inches. He's a pretty calm baby so far, barely even crying while going through the whole cleaning thing and the vitamin shot.
Melissa is also doing better than expected for a c-section. She is already up and moving and walking down the hall.
Anyway, I had to come home to post this for the family since there is no internet access for the public at the hospital. More details to come.
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Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 9:12 PM 2 comments
Labels: Nathan
Sunday, October 14, 2007
No news is...
Well, usually that would be "no news is good news," but in this case, it's just no news. Due date is now 7 days away and there has been no sign of baby. We went to the doc on Thursday, but he said that the show is "only just beginning." We'll let everyone know as soon as something happens.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Monday, October 8, 2007
Back in the Theatre
These past few weeks, I've been back in the acting scene with our production of Twelve Angry Men. It's a play about a jury deliberating a murder case involving a young man allegedly killing his father. The whole time we were in production, I had to have an understudy and a plan to get me off the stage if "the" phone call came in. But, no baby yet, so I was able to finish the run. Check out the pictures at
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Theater
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
First Belly Pic With New Camera
So, getting ready for baby, we realized that my old digital camera was starting to give up the ghost. So we took some of the gift cards that people were giving at the baby showers and picked up this new camera. So here is the belly pic I took with it. Everyone around here says that she is "dropping," and that means that the day is close at hand. Who knows, but we just can't wait. I spent the evening putting together a stroller and the high chair.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 12:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Down the stretch we come
Well, Mel is coming down to the last little bit of being pregnant. Now beginning Week number 35, Nathan is getting very close to full term. He's kicking like crazy now, giving us great hope of a black belt baby in there. The funniest times are when her entire belly moves from a kick. He's got some power.
We've got a busy week coming up with some youth ministry events Sunday and Wednesday, some new Tiny Tiger sign-ups, rehearsals for the play, and then the tournament in Austin Friday and Saturday. Follow that up with the beginning of my church's Revival services on Sunday. We don't know how we're ever going to be able to wait so much longer for Nathan to get here. We can't wait to hold him and to take care of him. Six weeks away, and we already love him.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Daron's 2nd Degree
So now Daron is catching up with Mel in rank. Well, not really, but I did test for 2nd degree black belt today and passed! The ranking is on Tuesday. This was, most likely, Melissa's last test while pregnant, and people were asking about her all night. It's nice that other people are really looking forward to Nathan coming just like we are.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Taekwondo
Friday, August 31, 2007
The room is almost done
Thanks to a consignment store, my sister, my mother, and the landlord of our taekwondo school, Nathan's room is nearly complete. It's getting so much harder to wait now that the room is sitting there empty, waiting for him to arrive!
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Week 32
We had the final ultrasound and everything is doing great. Nathan has turned to put his head down in position for delivery right on time. He's kicking stronger than ever before, and now scenes straight out of Alien are happening every night. We're trying to catch that on video and if it happens, we'll put it on here.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Surprise Shower!
So today, the ladies from the taekwondo school threw a surprise baby shower for Mel at the church that some of them go to. They did a great job putting it on and we got some wonderful stuff for Nathan. We were treated to a cake with a little black belt teddy bear on top made of cake.
Things are starting to get very real for us as we put away all the clothes and things they gave Nathan. Now with the baby showers beginning and her belly moving on a nightly basis, this is going to be very soon!holding the "bundle of joy" made of bodysuits, hats, and baby stuff.
the baby black belt cake.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
All is well
So, Mel had to drink the most wonderful thing she's ever drank before in her life. (Please notice the dripping sarcasm). Another rite of pregnancy down. The glucose test came back normal. That means no more over-sugared water. YAY!
So far, the pregnancy is going so well. Every night she is getting attacked from the inside now. We definitely have a little black belt baby in there. Now you can even see the belly move.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Belly sketch
I found this website that will take pictures and do all kinds of crazy things to them, like turn them into pencil sketches. So here is Meli's belly at 27 weeks if we had gone to a county fair sketch artist.
ht: ysmarko
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Nathan meets Potter
So, I wonder if Meli could go to Hogwarts seven months pregnant? It has been ten years of waiting for Melissa and her ... infatuation with the Harry Potter series. She introduced me and now we are both hooked. So today, like millions of other people, we waiting in line, reservation in hand, to be some of the first to get the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Of course, like the last time, we went all out and even went in full costumes. Her costume was much better, however, looking totally like a girl student. We were not alone, but she was the only pregnant Hogwarts student there. :)
So now, she is listening to Jim Dale reading the book (chapter three as I write this) and I am going to be reading it for as long as I can before I go to bed. She's even making me go teach classes tomorrow morning so that the kids who will stay up all night won't even come close to ruining the ending. She's threatened to have absolutely no contact with the outside world until she's finished, so I don't recommend calling until Sunday. :)
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 1:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: General
Friday, July 20, 2007
Big long update
Ok, so it has been a while since we updated the blog (sorry Mom) so here goes with the post
"What's been going on in our lives"
So I guess the first story is about the ATA World Championships. We went to Little Rock where I got the chance to take some training Ground Fighting that we're going to be using at the school. I had a really good time at that, however... well more about that later. Then I competed in the Top Ten Finals for 1st Degree Black Belt Weapons. I finished 8th which was one spot higher than I came in, so I consider that a kind of victory.
Then, Melissa went home, and I picked up a rental car and drove to Lake of the Ozarks Missouri, and met the youth group for camp. We had a wonderful time at this very big camp. I'll put up more about that later at my own blog.
While at camp, I couldn't help but notice that while the normal being sore in the muscles was going away, a pain in my ribcage wasn't. As the week went on, it got steadily worse. I was hurting the whole camp, but didn't want to go to a strange doctor, so I waited until we got home. It turned out that I had cracked a rib during the ground fighting seminar. So I'm just now getting back to where I can spar and do most of the taekwondo. Even with the cracked rib, I tested and am now a 2nd degree recommended black belt. One more test before I'm officially a 2nd.Melissa is doing wonderfully being pregnant. Nathan is beginning to show his own black belt skills, kicking her almost every night. Some of them have been getting so hard that he is able to bounce objects off her belly. It seems to be that her big symptom is going to be in her legs. She has been waking up every morning with huge leg cramps and her ankles are swelling to the size of her shoulders. So now she has to wear these support socks (knee highs) to keep her circulation going... in Texas... in July... while doing taekwondo. She hates the the very idea, but it's been working. Of course, those are my pajama pants she's wearing in the picture. :)
In fact, we've been joking around that her pregnancy is going too well. We've only had the initial ultrasound and the 20-week one. We're probably only going to get one more before Nathan comes. We really want to see the little guy again, but since the pregnancy is going normal, we don't need to. :( Too bad.The baby's room (or area of the room) is coming along nicely. My mom sent some wall hangings and the mobile all in the jungle animal theme we were looking for. It's going to finish up very nicely by the time all the baby showers are over. We can't wait for the little guy to come and be in that bed!
Last week, Melissa and I went out to Dallas to use the gift she gave me for our anniversary. We went to go see the musical Spamalot, based on the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. So our little guy has already been to two Broadway musicals before he is even born.
Anyway, I'm hoping I've covered most of what has been going on in the lives of the Bilyeu family. We're going to make sure that these updates come more and more often. Later.
Belly Pics To Week 27
In honor of her reaching the third trimester on Sunday, I present to you,
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Here in Little Rock
So here we are in Little Rock at the ATA World Championships. So far, Mel has been able to just sit back, relax, and watch while I have been tossed, thrown, put into various arm locks and had a great time learning some Jiu-Jitsu. Then I competed in the Top Ten competition and claimed my Top Ten bar for my uniform. Now tomorrow we get to go to the School Owners training and learn about the Kids self defense program ATA is going to run in September.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Taekwondo
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Time to Alter the Pants
Melissa passed her fourth degree test in Southlake last night! So for those keeping track, Meli now outranks me 4th degree to 1st degree.
We went to Mr. Goodman's school in Southlake to test with Master Sustaire judging. Mel had some accommodations for being pregnant, but still had to go out there and do everything she knew as a 3rd degree, including sparring. Thankfully, she was given Ms. Nero as a sparring partner who understood.
She popped all three boards on the first try. I was out on the floor holding boards and got to hold her front kick board.
So now it's time to take that black ribbon we bought in February and sew it on to her dobok pants. 4th degree black belts wear a black stripe down their pants to signify their rank. Meli says she is going to enter every room she goes into at worlds sideways so everyone can see.
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Taekwondo
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Baby Black Belt
Today i felt the baby kick for the first time. Actually, i think he kicked me yesterday, but i wasn't sure if it was him kicking or just being overly active. but today i am sure-he's kicking. Everybody beware, baby black belt in training.
Posted by Melissa Bilyeu at 9:35 PM 2 comments
Labels: Pregnancy
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
We Love Consignment Stores!
Consignment stores. What a wonderful place. We had been on the search for a baby bed and furniture for a while, settling on a model from Target. Then on a whim we saw a new consignment baby store opening up downtown, so we decided to at least go in and look. That's when we found this 4-1 baby bed, mattress, and changing table for $120. Now, we have our baby room!
Posted by Daron Bilyeu at 2:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pregnancy