Thursday, January 1, 2009

Trip to Indiana

Well, we're finally unpacked from our trip to Indiana. We had a great time with all the family. Riley and Owen just went nuts having a baby around them, and they did such a great job of being big cousins to him. In fact, I think Nate learned how to go from walk to run by just trying to keep up with them.

Mom had us all go out to a photo place and get pictures of all her family together. You'll see a few of those in the slideshow below. Even though Nate wasn't feeling real good, he still gave such great smiles.

We even had a moment to have lunch with Dad and Debbie, where Nate had a great time playing with his grandparents and the puzzle he got from them.

The flight home was a little interesting, but we made it and are now home. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

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