It's a boy!
It's official. Nathan Bilyeu has made his appearance. Quite literally actually. Today we had the 20 week ultrasound and a very cooperative and funny baby emerged. When the doc started the exam, we immediately saw our baby holding up a "I'm number 1."Knowing what our baby thought of itself, we were still wanting to know the answer to the big question. "Do we wear pink or blue?" The answer came when the little thing showed absolutely no modesty and gave us a full frontal view. It's a boy! Our little son.
Then he must have tired out from such a long day of playing up to the camera, because the doc caught him mid-yawn and snapped this picture. Melissa thinks he looks like a dinosaur in this one.
Now we know for sure that we have a little boy, so let the buying of baby clothes begin! I wonder what we'll dress our son up as for Halloween if he gets here before then.
P.S. Terry, Shellody, and Lara, you were the only ones to get the gender right, so you're in the lead.